[2018-03-05 来源 经管学院 编辑: 文科建设处 浏览 次]

  2018年1月10日上午10时30分,中国科学技术大学李峰博士在九里校区信息楼0212教室为经管学院师生带来了题为“Improving Humanitarian Logistic Operations with Incentive Contract: Model, Survey and Analysis”的学术讲座。经管学院副院长朱宏泉教授带领该院部分师生参加了本次讲座。

     李峰博士首先介绍了什么是“Humanitarian Logistic”及其研究现状,并以沃尔玛参与卡特里娜飓风救灾为例,指出私企参与人道物流的必要性。问题的关键在于如何激励私企。



  【人物简介】Feng Li is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Management Science and Engineering at the University of Science and Technology of China. Before that, he received a Bachelor’s degree in management from Central China Normal University in 2013 and another Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Wuhan University in 2013. His research interests mainly include humanitarian logistics, evaluation theory and data envelopment analysis methodology. His work has appeared in journals such as Omega, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production economics, Journal of the operational Research Society, etc.

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